Yellow Jacket Removal

Brighter with yellow and black markings throughout their bodies, the explanatory named yellow jackets are a specific type of wasp that rival their cousins in several ways. While more predatory and aggressive than their pollenating counterparts, yellow jackets sometimes situate their hives in the earth’s soil- making their presence on a property that much more unpredictable.
Boasting a sting 10x more deadly than most other wasps, yellow jackets are not to be taken lightly and demand the utmost caution.

Remember, removal from structures and outside locations should be done by a professional who has the equipment and knowledge necessary to pinpoint the location of the hornets and properly exterminate them. As many as 30,000 to 80,000 yellow jackets could be in your ceiling, walls, or yard.

Don't put yourself in danger, call us today.

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